With over 20,000 employees, and active in over 30 countries, BAM is one of the leading European construction companies. BAM distinguishes itself as a sustainable and innovative builder. Together Scorius and BAM have developed theBAMpanel to continuously measure how employees experience their work. BAMpanel is now running over 5000 engagement surveys every month in 5 countries.
What is BAMpanel ?
The BAMpanel is tailor-made software to measure monthly how engaged and motivated BAM employees feel. A tailor-made innovative functionality is automated representative sampling. Every month the survey is sent out to a random sample of employees. By working with automated samples, we can measure frequently without constantly bothering everyone with questions. Every month different employees are invited to participate. We work with short questionnaires of 16 basic items. The questionnaire can be automatically adjusted monthly on an individual level with additional questions based on team, location, department, job group or other variables. So BAM can sent out a different survey to different sub groups of employees every month. If something is happening somewhere in the company, that can be quickly assessed. In addition to questions about engagement, questions about behavior, culture, values or practical matters can also be included
Innovation in HR
Lajos Walbeek , HR director at BAM Bouw en Vastgoed, has taken the initiative to start with BAMpanel .
Lajos Walbeek, HR director BAM Bouw en Vastgoed
‘BAM wants to work on innovation in the HR department . Employee engagement was traditionally measured once every two years. Everyone received a long questionnaire and it took months before we got the results. Within BAM employee engagement is seen as a facilitator of success. High levels of employee engagement lead to improved safety behaviour, higher customer satisfaction and increased profitability. With BAMpanel we can act continuously on improving employee engagement. By measuring frequently we make a dynamic movie of the organisation rather than taking a static picture, so to speak. We look at the development of employee engagement, the flow, which elements move in the organization from month to month and which elements can we really begin to influence?
The best part of this new approach is that we can also quickly see the effect of certain policies. If we stimulate a certain activity, we can directly see in the real time dashboard whether this has had an effect on employee engagement. If it has no effect, you can stop it quickly and look for another solution. We get the results at group level in an online real-time dashboard. Because of this we always know what is going on inside the organization at all levels. ‘
Data analysis
Lajos sees that within BAM the ‘data awareness’ has grown rapidly in recent years. ‘BAM is creating a culture of measuring. Every day we work with sensor technology in buildings, data services for customers and we constantly think about how we can add value as BAM through the use of data.
According to Lajos, data driven HR has been one of the basic principles for BAMpanel . ‘ BAMpanel delivers a lot of valuable data. We cross the data on work experience with data on financial performance, absenteeism, turnover, safety, etc. This provides particularly valuable strategic management information. In the future we want to be able to predict when and why certain groups of employees will leave the organization. We want to predict client satisfaction and safety behaviour. And that is still just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the opportunities of HR data.
We have been working with BAM panel for over a year now. And in that year we have collected as much data as we used to collect in 10 years. So we have already built up a huge data pool. The first analysis we make are promising. From the organization we receive good feedback on what we are doing because it is simple and fast. There are no long questionnaires and senior management sees the added value of data analysis especially now that we are starting to get the first analysis back. Especially the flow, the movement in the numbers, is very interesting compared to the old way of measuring employee engagement. ‘
Why Scorius?
Why did BAM opt for Scorius as a supplier? Lajos : ‘About three years ago we started thinking about data-driven HR. We can not collect data about engagement ourselves because we can not guarantee the privacy of employees. So we started looking for a third party that can manage data collection but can also organize the right high end statistical analysis on the data. We were ready for innovation and our first step on the HR analytics journey.
In the end we chose the collaboration with Scorius. Scorius has the right substantive HR knowledge, knowledge of data analytics and the technical knowledge to connect and secure differtent databases. With Scorius We do not work in a traditional supplier-customer relationship, but more in a transparent collaboration in which we worked together to design the optimal solution. We really collaborated to build a future process. Scorius is not afraid to ask critical questions us and they understand what is important when it comes to developing our data-driven HR strategy. But the biggest advantage for us is the degree of flexibility that Scorius can offer. We did not find this level of agility among the traditional suppliers in the market. With Scorius We can quickly develop and test new functionalities. Furthermore, Scorius can help us with the connecting differtent databases in different technologies so that we do not have to manually supply data for analysis. ‘
From day 1 protecting the privacy of employees has been an important focus for BAMpanel . ‘Data security and compliance with the privacy legislation is so important that this was a key element during the design phase. In anticipation of new legislation, we offer people the choice of how much data they want to share. Employees can choose whether they participate in a confidential or anonymous way. BAM only has access to anonymised results at group level. For the analysis and storage of data, Scorius uses only unique identification numbers and no names or e-mail addresses . We consciously work with a third party. This ensures that our own people can never see the data of colleagues. Clear agreements have been made about the handling of data and technical conditions have been created so that all data is maximally protected and only accessible to the right people. We are now really ahead of the market when it comes to privacy and data security. ‘